Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jeans in the Genes

I am constantly obsessed with jeans. At the high point of my obsession I was the proud owner of 11 pairs all of which I wore. Last week I came across a Wrangler advertisement in a magazine I was reading. I am always drawn to jean adverts which is surprising because I am not usually a huge fan of commercial photography. Anyway, seeing the ad in the zine I went onto their website and was blown away. They have all these amazingly clever moving images and fun movie campaigns in which you can click and drag and pull a man off a building or pull off his jean shirt. I am completely in love with it all, a wonderfully new approach to something I already loved! So inspired for my own little jean dedicated photo shoot and will have pics to put up soon but for now I will put up some of the stills from the Wrangler campaigns and leave you the link to the website here! ALL MUST VISIT, especially the We Are Animals campaign which I find really interesting!!!